A Xmas letter to Dr. Aaron T. Beck
Dear Sir,
I am Kyoto Uni Grad Shrink, Akio Samejima M.D.
I began health insurance CBT recently at my Osaka Office.
Mainly Dr. Yutaka Ohno has warmly continued to coach me through
the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare course Japan.
CBT is lately, but surely admitted psychotherapy by the establishment,
I think.
Of course I’ve read your “Cognitive Therapy of Depression”,
“Cognitive Therapy and the emotional disorders”, and was deeply moved.
The style is the person, they say.
Your books are deeply tasty, though not sharp.
Warm, frank, simple and honest personality ― I feel from you.
Your music of psychotherapy is Antonin Dvorzak, if you allow me to nickname you.
Please keep standing by people at the bottom of the ladder on their way of life.
I wish you all a Happy New Year.
Sincerely yours,
Akio Samejima M.D. 鮫島 章郎
Samejima Heartwarming Clinic, Osaka, JAPAN
info*kokoro-cl.jp 鮫島こころクリニック
◇ Which is more healthy, "pleasure"or "mastery"?
建設的な質問だとうぬぼれていますが、大野裕 Yutaka Ohno先生に「達成感のある行動と
hedonia という言葉もあり、喜びを喜びとして感じ得ることは healthy です。
cf. The typical depression patient didn't act on what she "wanted" to do rather than
what she"should" do. (Aaron T.Beck et al. "Cognitive therapy of depression"
6. Session by session treatment: a typical course of therapy. p113) (2017.7.21)
Dear Prof. Aaron Temkin Beck,
Now you are 96 years old. Congratulations!
I’m Kyoto Uni. grad shrink, Director of Samejima Heartwarming Clinic (Osaka, JAPAN), reading your books repeatedly and once have written a letter to you.
You wrote in your case history; she didn’t act on what she “wanted” to do rather than what she “should” do (Cognitive therapy of depression, chapter 6, p113).
This sentence reminded me of a Q&A between Prof. Yutaka Ohno and me the other day. Once I asked him, “In general roughly speaking, which behavior is more healthy, pleasure or mastery?
Then he replied, “In our experience in Keio Hospital, depression patients tend to choose
mastery behavior plan first in the course of behavior therapy.”
I thanked him by answering, ”Serious persons like your hospital, don’t they?”
Looking the term anhedonia(loss of pleasure) as a depression symptom, to feel pleasure as pleasure is a healthy thing.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy has become very famous, but true therapist is few.
I will be a health insurance-Beck Therapist tomorrow reading your books as Bible.
Be active and live a long life for the future, Prof. Beck!
July 25, 2017
Sincerely, Akio Samejima, M.D.
JAPAN, info@kokoro-cl.jp
◇ About annihilation of the automatic thoght
常識的で思慮深くクールな人は、自動思考のキャンセル、《物》annihilation が起こるため、思い入れ修正の自己練習の必要性がなく、釈迦に説法で、「知れどもできず」になる。 そこに認知療法自習の難しさがある。
◇ 第一世代CT(AT.Beck)と第二世代CT(JE.Young & JS.Beck)の違い
独自で新しくなければならぬと、理屈好きの認知行動療法研究者たちは強迫的に、早漬け浅漬け一夜漬けの論文を山積みにしています。 何に対する革新かも輪郭がアイマイになっています。
A.Beck は Freud の無意識を追って、James Joyce, Yasunari Kawabata のStream of conciousness,Interior monologue に出たと見ます。